Germany use bicameral system: in addition to the Bundestag, the Bundesrat (consisting of delegates of the state governments to uphold the states’ interests) participates in legislation. Germany is a federation consisting of 16 federal states, each with its own constitution, parliament and government. The highest state authority is exercised by the federal government. Through the agency of the Bundesrat, the states are represented at the federal level and participate in federal legislation.
The Federal President is the head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany. He represents the country in its dealings with other countries and appoints government members, judges and high-ranking civil servants.
Because of bicameral system, the federal government in Germany executed by federal chancellor.The constitution empowers him to personally choose his ministers, who head the most important political authorities. Moreover it is the Chancellor who determines the number of ministries and their responsibilities. This authority gives the Federal Chancellor a whole array of instruments of leadership that easily stands up to a comparison with the power of the President in a presidential democracy.
Germany have 16 federal states, and using “principle of subsidiarity” in public lifing. Subsidiarity is a core concept in a federal structure. According to it, the smallest unit of the social community capable of handling problems shall bear responsibility and take the decisions – starting from the individual and working upwards via the family, associations and local authorities to the states, the nation as a whole, and the European Union and the United Nations.
Affluence for everybody and social justice: In the late 1950s that was the goal the then Federal Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard had in mind when he introduced the social market economy in Germany. The “German model” proved to be a success story and became an archetype for several other countries. One of the pillars of this success was the extensive German welfare system. Today, Germany boasts one of the most comprehensive welfare systems: 27.6 percent of the country’s gross domestic product is channeled into public welfare spending. In comparison, the USA invests 16.2 percent, while the OECD average is 20.7 percent. An all-embracing system of health, pension, accident, longterm care, and unemployment insurance provides protection against the financial consequences of the risks we face in everyday life. In addition, the welfare lifeline offers taxfinanced services such as the family services equalization scheme (child benefit, tax concessions) or basic provisions for pensioners and those unable to work.
Germany is one of the most highly developed industrial nations in the world and, after the USA and Japan has the world’s third largest national economy. With a population of 82.3 million Germany is also the largest and most important market in the European Union (EU). In 2007, Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) totaled EUR 2.42 trillion, which translates into per-capita GDP of EUR 29,455. This figure can be attributed primarily to foreign trade. With an export volume of EUR 969 billion or one third of GDP in 2007, Germany is the biggest exporter of goods worldwide, and as such is considered to be the “export world champion”, more of a global player than almost any other country and more strongly linked to the global economy than many other countries
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